
Welcome to TeachMeBout! I'm so excited to have you here.

Education has been a passion of mine for a while now. There are so many resources out in the wild with lots of information. I want to help gather some of the crucial things and bring it all into one place for you.

Here are my two goals with TeachMeBout. Hold me accountable, okay?

  1. Learn new topics and get a solid, foundational understanding of them. I want to be able to give you enough about a topic to spark your curiosity for further research.

  2. Share this knowledge with others who may feel the same way I do. And that feeling I want to help myself and possibly you break out of is one when you feel stuck on the surface level. So let's get started!

Your goal:

  1. Find an article that pokes at your curiosity, read through these 2-3 min short summaries of the topic.

  2. We don't have to know every single topic in depth but it's good to have a decent understanding of all of them. Keep on reading, and dive deeper into the ones that interest you!

Let's get started!